Media Asset Management

File Exchange

bi-directional media exchange


File Exchange is made to send or request files under your full control via a secure platform.

There are three main use cases for File Exchange:

  • You want to send one or multiple files onces or multiple times.
  • You want to request one or multiple files to be send to you.
  • You want to send out one or multiple files and want to request a result to be send back to you.
  • You want to forward the files that have been sent to you to another Contributor instead of downloading yourself.

In all cases your file exchange partner receives an email when you have provided files for him to download or when you want him to send files to you. Furthermore you receive an email notification whenever your file exchange partner has downloaded or sent files. In addition you can request your file exchange to approve a file alternatively or in addition to downloading the file.

The platform allows to preview audio, video and graphic files. This allows to download only files of real interest. Furthermore it enables online approvals or file forwarding without downloading of heavy lift files.

File Exchange is based on FlowWorks Flow Center and can be expanded to x-dream-Fabrik Produce, Archive, Deliver, Sales 2 Business.

Flow Center - the digital asset management and distribution system. manage and deliver content. always. anywhere

Flow Center is a highly integrated, complete workflow and asset management solution. We are specialists in the technical processing of media content (of any type) as well as editorial & management processes of any kind. Flow Center Core is the centerpiece of our overall system. It incorporates and combines all key modules: database, user-management, user-interfaces, individual workflow-management, transcoding, file-transfers, playout. Here you will find everything you need from a media asset management system - and much more! Highly flexible user interfaces, individual build & operation of your own workflows and easy integration of your 3rd party devices. We work in all sorts of media-centric environments: production, post, broadcast, agencies, marketing, webtv, even online-publishing and -sales.

Flow Center contains and integrates six core functional areas or engines:

  • Archive (all content, all types, metadata, users & rights)
  • Workflows (all editorial, all technical, all administrative processes & automation)
  • Processing (any technical alteration or management of any media content)
  • Distribution (publishing/distribution from & to any digital channel)
  • Integration (integrate any 3rd party device into any self-designed workflow)
  • Flexible GUIs (use & create any targeted user interface, integrate any web or app service)

Flow Center Core is the mature digital media asset management system for your content.

You can import, upload and manage your content within your own hosted solution. Enrich or import metadata to your media containers with digital movies, audio files, pictures or any other file. Fully featured search algorithms keep all your content at hand, making it possible to organize it into medialists or projects, focussing on actual content.


An overview on the File Exchange features:

Supported File Formats for Exchange

  • any

Supported File Formats for Previewing

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Pictures

Supported Exchange Cases

  • Send
  • Receive
  • Send and Send Back
  • Forward

Available notifications

  • Downloaded
  • Request to Upload
  • Approved

The pricing model of File Exchange is composed from the following elements:

One-Time Fees

  • account creation fee = 100.00 €
    setting up your account and provisioning your processing chain

monthly fees

  • single user  = 10 €
    1 TByte Storage
    unlimited Transfers
    unlimited Traffic

  • professional user = 25 €
    3 TByte Storage
    unlimited Transfers
    unlimited Traffic

  • team = 50 €
    5 users
    5 TByte Storage
    unlimited Transfers
    unlimited Traffic
    Management Dashboard

  • team +5 users = 35 €
    5 more users
    5 more TByte Storage
    unlimited Transfers
    unlimited Traffic

  • enterprise = 250 €
    100 users
    25 TByte Storage
    unlimited Transfers
    unlimited Traffic
    Management Dashboard

  • enterprise +100 users = 150 €
    100 more users
    25 more TByte Storage
    unlimited Transfers
    unlimited Traffic

1) Data storage volume will be measured. Agreed volume will be invoiced monthly in advance. Additional data storage volume will be invoiced by end of each month. Price for additional data storage volume is 0.25 €/GByte.


  • enterprise on premise = 25.000 €

  • enterprise on premise integration = 3.500 €
  • Calculation

    Questions? Curious? Interested?

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