Software Sourcing

x-dream-group helps you to search, select, test, and purchase required software products. We have a large reseller network and direct access to relevant vendors.

Building software-based ecosystems obviously requires purchasing software. But prior to negotiating prices and placing a purchase order, a much more important step is required. The relevant software for a particular use case needs to be spotted, evaluated, and finally selected.

Lots of software seems very attractive based on a nice marketing representation. Some software has clean and beautiful user interfaces, but a poor engine design. Others have a great engine in the background but are difficult to use due to clumsy UIs. Other products are simply developed for a different use case and will never really fit your needs.

x-dream-group has tested, deployed, and managed various software packages for many different use cases. We know the strengths and weaknesses of competing products. We know what they have been developed for and what they can be used for. We know how to make the most of specific software products by working around their weaknesses, if required.

Software Sourcing

The specialists at x-dream-group also know the sales channels and have direct access to all relevant vendors. We can help with selecting, evaluating, and purchasing software products. Therefore, x-dream-group is an excellent partner in tendering as well as sourcing software products.

How we help

  • identify your needs
  • search for software options
  • evaluate all possible software 
  • select the one that suits you the most
  • negotiate prices
  • purchase software 

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