
2021 Year in review

20. Dez 2021

A special year is coming to an end. Again, it was different than expected. We have missed the personal contact, but we are grateful that we were able to work together so well this year.

New Events


To be closer to you and to replace offline shows, we’ve created a virtual platform called x-dream.events . We hosted there three big online events: In January an annual kick-off event, in May-June our Solution days, and in December our Online IBC. You could not only watch presentations, interviews, and demos but also interact with us by asking questions or having private online meetings. All public sessions have been recorded and are available on demand .

New Products

YourStoryz Logo

We now offer our virtual platform as a SaaS product with production services to run your events. It’s called Vionvents. It’s continuously improved by our own experience and can be developed to your custom needs as well.

This year we also launched a mobile journalism App YourStoryz. You can download it as iOS or Android version from your App Store. It is fully integrated into a professional workflow and can be used in news production, brand promotion or to collect user-generated content.

We value our relationship, and every opportunity to exchange ideas.
We thank you very much and we wish you and your family a warm and peaceful holiday time and a happy and healthy New Year!